Tuesday, February 2, 2016

2016 Thus Far

I probably should have titled this "Sorry, Behind the Drink, I kinda forgot about you for over a month because life is hectic." 
So since there's a lot to catch all of you up on, we'll just start from the first few seconds of 2016 and go from there. Okay? Okay. Let's go. 

 I was lucky enough to ring in the New Year with some of my favorite people, like my big, Sydney! (you can check her out on her blog!)

Post-New Year's Eve Starbs was an essential part of the drive back to Slidell from Thibodaux. Don't let the one picture of a Starbucks cup fool you, though, I made a Starbucks stop nearly every morning of winter break. 
this is probably why my bank account is empty

Just before my return to school, my mom and I decided we were going to be strong independent women and pick oranges off the 22 ft. tall tree in our backyard. Needless to say, I almost died in an attempt to get this picture. 
Okay, not really, but I did come close to falling off the ladder a few times. 

Once I was (finally) back in Thibodaux, life really started to get rolling.
I've moved into an on campus apartment and have loved every minute of having a bigger bed and real door! I've been spending most of my time working and actually attending class. 

The first show of 2016 was Motown and it was ah-mazing! The performers were perfect imitations of the celebrities they play, especially the boy who played young Michael Jackson (we're talking Jackson 5 age Michael Jackson here, people) However, I think the best part of this show may not have been the show itself. No, I think it would be the woman who mistakingly thought the real Motown artists such as Diana Ross, Smokey Robinson, and Stevie Wonder were actually performing and not a Broadway cast that takes the cake on this one. 

 I was elected to Phi Mu's Executive Board as Vice President of Chapter Developments! I'm seaux excited about this position and even more excited that I get to share this experience with these beauties! 

<Warning: Things are about to take a turn for the sappy>
On January 30, 2016, George and I celebrated our one year anniversary (separately, of course, since George is at Ole Miss six hours away) While it was difficult not actually being able to spend our anniversary together, there may be a tripped planned in the very near future that will fix that! *future blog post comin' your way*
p.s. don't judge me for using a New Year's picture ok

On Monday, Mrs. Becky Clement (Phi Mu alumna, photographer, and all around amazing woman) photographed the Executive Board and we got some really great shots, this one being one of my favorites! I mean, come on, you have to admit we look fab. 
Follow Mrs. Becky on insta to see her amazing work @simplybecky! 

And voila! There you have it, you've officially been caught up on my life in 2016 thus far! I promise I'll try not to be so neglectful of the blog from now on, but I'm not promising that I won't go AWOL for a month at some point in time. I said I'll try not to. 


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